tdl.identify() SOMAMA Baby organic BB yellow millet 500g 7m+ –
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Mom's Best Friend Forever

SOMAMA Baby organic BB yellow millet 500g 7m+

RM 29.70 RM 33.00

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Organic BB Glutinous Yellow Millet
Contains a variety of vitamins, protein, fat, carbohydrates, calcium, phosphorus, iron and other essential nutrients for the human body. The dietary fiber of millet is low in whole grains, and the taste is more delicate. The first coarse grains that babies come into contact with are none other than millet.

6 months later, while adding high-iron foods, you can let your baby try the soft millet, and let the baby adapt to coarse grains from millet, which is very beneficial to his healthy eating habits in the future. However, millet protein is seriously lacking in lysine. If it can be combined with other lysine-rich beans or milk, the bioavailability of millet protein will be greatly improved

Millet Kuning BB Organik

Mengandungi pelbagai vitamin, protein, lemak, karbohidrat, kalsium, fosforus, zat besi dan nutrien penting lain untuk tubuh manusia. Serat makanan millet rendah bijirin, dan rasanya lebih halus. Biji-bijian kasar pertama yang bersentuhan dengan bayi tidak lain adalah millet. Selepas 6 bulan, sambil menambahkan makanan zat besi tinggi, anda boleh membiarkan bayi anda mencuba millet lembut, dan membiarkan bayi menyesuaikan diri dengan biji-bijian kasar dari millet, yang sangat bermanfaat untuk tabiat makannya yang sihat di masa depan. Tetapi protein millet kekurangan lisin. Sekiranya ia boleh dimakan bersama kacang atau susu yang kaya dengan lisin, bio ketersediaan protein millet akan bertambah baik
Cooking skills
During the porridge process, stir every few minutes to prevent sticking to the bottom. Bring the fire to a boil, simmer for a while, and the porridge will become more delicious. Add enough water at one time, and add water congee halfway will become thinner.

Kemahiran memasak
Dalam proses memasak bubur, kacau setiap beberapa minit untuk mengelakkan bahagian bawah melekit. Bubur akan menjadi lebih enak jika api tinggi direbus dan bubur akan menjadi lebih enak dengan memasak lebih lama dengan api kecil. Tambahkan air secukupnya pada satu masa, dan bubur akan menjadi nipis jika anda menambah air di tengahnya.

Suitable for the crowd: cooking porridge over 8 months / steaming soft rice after 1 year old
Storage method: The storage of organic rice is greatly affected by temperature and humidity. Eat it as soon as possible after opening. It is recommended to store it in the fresh-keeping layer of the refrig