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Things to Consider Before Buy Toys for Your Children

Things to Consider Before Buy Toys for Your Children

A good toy can engage a child's sense, stimulate their imagination and encourage interaction with others. Simple toys are easier for children to use, need less supervision and can last longer.

1. Safety
Toys should suit the level and age of a child's growth. Toys should be clean and should not have sharp corners or small, detachable parts. They should not contain insecure, toxic or flammable materials, either.

2. Durable
A toy must be made from durable and solid materials to withstand frequent handling by a child.

3. Easy and Simple
To enjoy it a child must be able to work a toy on his own. Simple toys are usually
the most simple to work.

4. Entertainment Value
Children want to find a fun toy to play with now and when she grows up.
Look for toys that can play in multi ways.

5. Educational Value
Toys stimulate your child to think, visualize, and build.Choose toys that require skills to pretend, play roles, solve problems, and practice

6. Social Value
By playing with other children, the children learn essential social skills. By playing socially, they get to know collaboration, negotiation, and compromise. Choose toys that encourage your children to play with others.


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