tdl.identify() Do I Need to Buy a Special Detergent for My Baby's Laundry? –
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Do I Need to Buy a Special Detergent for My Baby's Laundry?

Do I Need to Buy a Special Detergent for My Baby's Laundry?

Many new parents buy special detergents to wash their baby's clothes. Is it necessary? Probably not. Which detergent you buy for your baby's clothes will depend on personal preference, family history and any skin reactions after baby arrives. There are four basic choices when it comes to baby laundry detergent.

Laundry Detergent Made Just for Baby Clothes

The special detergents that are "baby-specific" are usually scent-free and have fewer ingredients that would be likely to irritate delicate skin.

Scent-Free Laundry Detergents

A second category of laundry products to consider is scent-free detergents that are not baby-specific.

Eco-friendly and alternative detergents or soaps (such as soap nuts) also fall into this category. If you have trouble getting clothes clean with the special baby detergents, these types of detergents may be a better choice. These types of detergents are readily available today, and are generally available for all types of washing machines.


Homemade Laundry Soaps and Detergents

Many families now make their own laundry detergent or soap at home. This can easily be made at home and works for cloth diapers, baby clothes, plus everyone else's laundry. This is pretty easy to do and is really cheap to make, plus you can customize your own version with essential oils or some types of scented soaps if you like scented laundry. 

The low cost and convenience of one detergent is an advantage here, plus the effectiveness if you find a homemade detergent that works really well with your water and machine. However, you have to spend extra time making batches of the detergent versus just picking it up at the store.

You also have to find good ways to store the detergent, since powdered types need to be well sealed to keep out moisture and liquid detergents need to be easily pourable and possibly mixable since some separate between uses.




For babies with sensitive skin - USDA Organic Baby Laundry detergent

Biodegradable and PH neutral

Free from 10 Harmful chemicals

  • Non parabens
  • Non Phenoxyethanol
  • Non Mineral oil
  • Non Triethanolamine (TEA)
  • Non Sulphate
  • Non Talc
  • Non Propylene Gylcol
  • Non benzyl alcohol
  • Non Phosphate
  • Non Artificial dyes

Packing : 1700ml / Pack

(Source from:


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